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  • Calgary
  • Cold Lake
  • Edmonton
  • Fort McMurray
  • Grande Prairie
  • Lethbridge
  • Medicine Hat
  • Red Deer

British Columbia

  • Abbotsford
  • Chilliwack
  • Cranbrook/Kootenay
  • Fraser Valley
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  • Langley
  • Nanaimo
  • Nelson
  • North Vancouver
  • Powell River
  • Prince George
  • Surrey
  • Vancouver


  • Brandon
  • Winnipeg South

New Brunswick

  • Bathurst
  • Edmundston
  • Fredericton
  • Grand Falls
  • Miramichi
  • Moncton
  • Saint John

Newfoundland and Labrador

  • Avalon / St. John’s
  • Corner Brook
  • Grand Falls / Gander / Windsor

Northwest Territories

  • Yellowknife

Nova Scotia

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  • Halifax
  • New Glasgow
  • Port Hawkesbury
  • Sydney


  • Barrie
  • Belleville
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  • Brantford / Simcoe
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  • Markham / Scarborough
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  • Orillia
  • Oshawa / Durham
  • Ottawa
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  • Port Hope / Cobourg
  • Sarnia
  • Sault Ste. Marie
  • St. Catharines / Niagara
  • St. Thomas
  • Stratford
  • Sudbury
  • Thunder Bay
  • Timmins
  • Windsor

Prince Edward Island

  • Charlottetown


  • Gatineau
  • Montreal Ouest
  • Rive Sud


  • Battlefords
  • Estevan
  • Moose Jaw
  • Prince Albert
  • Regina
  • Saskatoon
  • Swift Current
  • Tisdale
  • Yorkton


  • Whitehorse

Tree Planting with WINMAR® and Tree Canada

Tree planting is a powerful and essential practice for promoting sustainability and combating climate change. WINMAR® is proud to partner with Tree Canada to plant trees for National Tree Day.

Tree Canada, the only national non-profit organization dedicated to planting and nurturing trees in both rural and urban environments, has been pivotal in growing Canada’s tree canopy since 1992. Their efforts through greening programs, research, and community engagement have led to the planting of an average of 137,302,121 trees annually across Canada. Trees play a critical role in reducing carbon footprints, as the average tree absorbs 25kg of CO2 each year, which is equivalent to burning 10 liters of gasoline.

Tree planting offers a host of benefits that extend far beyond reducing carbon dioxide. Trees help regulate temperatures by providing shade, which can reduce air conditioning needs by up to 50%. This not only conserves energy but also lowers utility bills. Additionally, planting trees on hillsides and slopes can significantly reduce the risk of landslides and flooding, protecting both the environment, properties and communities.

When we plant trees, we are not only restoring what matters but also ensuring a sustainable future for generations to come. As we continue to face the challenges of climate change, each tree planted represents a step towards a healthier and more resilient world.

WINMAR® is committed to environmental sustainability and fostering a greener future. WINMAR® franchises in Montreal, Markham, and Mississauga, will all be joining Tree Canada on September 25th, 2024 to plant trees for recognition of National Tree Day.

Sustainability is a shared responsibility. By participating in tree planting initiatives, individuals, businesses, and communities can protect and restore our natural environment for future generations.

WINMAR® is Coming Through for You!