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Renovating to Maximize Small Spaces

Renovating small spaces often requires a general contractor’s expertise who can bring creativity and technical skill to the project. Here are some key renovations your general contractor can assist with to maximize the potential of a small space:

Open Up the Layout
A general contractor can assess which walls are non-load-bearing and safely remove them to create an open floor plan. This renovation can drastically improve the space’s flow and feel. If full wall removal isn’t possible, a contractor can install glass partitions or larger doorways to maintain a sense of openness while providing necessary support.

Maximize Vertical Space
Professional contractors can install custom-built shelving units, floor-to-ceiling cabinets, and lofted platforms that utilize vertical space effectively. By leveraging their expertise, you can ensure these installations are sturdy and aesthetically pleasing. For instance, a contractor can design and build a loft bed with a desk or storage underneath, creating a multifunctional area that fits perfectly within the space.

Enhance Light
Installing larger windows or skylights to bring in more natural light and make the space feel larger and more inviting is worth inquiring about with your contractor. Such upgrades can help maximize small spaces by creating a brighter, more open atmosphere.

Innovative Storage Solutions
A general contractor can help you design and build smart storage solutions that use every available inch of space. This might include built-in cabinets, under-stair storage, and pull-out pantries. These custom solutions ensure your storage needs are met without compromising style or space.

Smart Design Elements
Contractors can replace traditional swing doors with space-saving sliding or pocket doors. They can also install fold-down desks and tables that can be tucked away when not in use. Built-in benches with storage underneath in dining areas or as window seats can add functionality and charm to the space.

Working with a WINMAR® general contractor ensures that your small space renovation is executed with precision and expertise. Our experience in managing projects and coordinating with various trades can help bring your vision to life, creating a functional and beautiful home, no matter its size. Trust WINMAR® with your next general contracting project.

Rely on WINMAR® to maximize your small space. WINMAR® is Coming Through For You!