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Prince Edward Island

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  • Whitehorse

Hidden Home Hazards

As the weather gets colder, we spend more time inside our homes. Along with the great benefits of hanging out at home (cozy couch, Netflix, food – you get the idea), there are plenty of hidden hazards to stay on top of, as people interact with these hazards more when they’re at home for longer […]

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WINMAR® Bands Together with the Community to Come Through for Olympic Athletes

Helping Communities Across Canada Through Difficult Times The WINMAR® Property Restoration Specialists teams across Canada work hard every day to help Canadians overcome challenges with optimism and confidence. From storms and weather events to fires, our teams are always there to help Canadian property owners through challenging times. So, it only makes sense for us […]

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Every winter, numerous homes fall victim to ice and water damage, and the last thing anyone wants to deal with is a major home renovation during the holiday season. That’s why disaster preparation is important and to be aware of these common factors. You should also know what you can do to prevent them from […]

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WINMAR® & BELFOR – Partners in Sustainability

WINMAR® and BELFOR, leaders in the restoration industry, are undertaking a comprehensive initiative to bolster their commitment to environmental sustainability. This initiative is centered around the implementation of a Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Reduction Strategy, spanning from 2022 to 2030. This strategy is a critical component of WINMAR® and BELFOR’s overarching objective to conform with the […]

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