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Ways To Reduce Cooling Costs During The Summer

While the warm summer weather has its perks, the bills that come with it are not. Energy bills can increase unexpectedly and overtime can become difficult to manage. Here are some tips on how to cut your cooling costs this summer, and keep your home running efficiently. Maintain Your Air Conditioner Is your air conditioner […]

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WINMAR® International Inc. is pleased to announce its independently owned franchise of WINMAR® Vancouver has been purchased by Ali Rajwani. WINMAR® Vancouver will continue to be located at 7930 – 130 Street in Surrey, British Columbia and all employees have been transitioned into similar roles. Mr. Rajwani is pleased to announce that Jay Randhawa, a […]

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WINMAR® & BELFOR – Partners in Sustainability

WINMAR® and BELFOR, leaders in the restoration industry, are undertaking a comprehensive initiative to bolster their commitment to environmental sustainability. This initiative is centered around the implementation of a Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Reduction Strategy, spanning from 2022 to 2030. This strategy is a critical component of WINMAR® and BELFOR’s overarching objective to conform with the […]

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WINMAR® Health & Safety Procedures for COVID-19

Your Health & Safety Matters to WINMAR® Teams Across Canada WINMAR® has always been fully dedicated to maintaining health and safety. Our safety practices have evolved over the years to respond to current and changing requirements. The COVID-19 pandemic has led to the creation of specific health and safety policies and protocols. These allow us […]

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Extreme Weather and Natural Disasters

Natural disasters are caused by extreme weather. Tornadoes, hailstorms, hurricanes, windstorms, cyclones, lightning and winter storms are the main weather disasters we experience in Canada. These storms develop because of unfavourable and unexpected changes in the weather which can negatively affect the earth’s atmosphere and further weather formation. In Canada, from coast to coast, we […]

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