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WINMAR® (Canada) International, Ltd., Announces New Opening in Battleford, Saskatchewan

London, ON. September 21, 2023: WINMAR® (Canada) International, Ltd., is pleased to announce the opening of WINMAR® Battlefords. This is the second location for Joe Billesberger and the first ownership opportunity for Kelly Rapko, both of WINMAR® Saskatoon. WINMAR® Battlefords is located at 10032 Marquis Avenue, North Battleford, SK S9A 4A5. Phone: 639-417-0000 As part […]

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Protect Your Family From the Dangers of Carbon Monoxide

Carbon monoxide can be a deadly danger in your home, but poisoning is completely preventable. Understanding what carbon monoxide is, where it comes from, the symptoms of poisoning and how to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning can save you and your family. Carbon monoxide (CO) is a poisonous gas that is colourless and odourless. When inhaled, […]

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Introducing Dave Johnson to WINMAR® Corporate

Dave Johnson joins WINMAR International Inc. as a Franchise Coach, Mentor and Trainer. Dave is a Subject Matter Expert developed over 40 years in the property insurance, contractor and business world. Dave has numerous industry certifications, BCQ: Building Code Qualified, Ontario Building Officials Association, CRM: Canadian Risk Management, HCI-R: Haag Certified Roof Inspector – Residential, […]

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Introducing Shawn Tracey to WINMAR® Corporate

WINMAR® International Inc. is pleased to introduce Shawn Tracey as our new corporate Customer Account Manager.  Shawn  will be dedicated to developing and ensuring our successful partnership between WINMAR® and our Key Insurer Partners.  After spending the last twelve years working in the manufacturing sector, Shawn has gained valuable life skills bringing with him the […]

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Ways To Reduce Cooling Costs During The Summer

While the warm summer weather has its perks, the bills that come with it are not. Energy bills can increase unexpectedly and overtime can become difficult to manage. Here are some tips on how to cut your cooling costs this summer, and keep your home running efficiently. Maintain Your Air Conditioner Is your air conditioner […]

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WINMAR® International Inc. is pleased to announce its independently owned franchise of WINMAR® Vancouver has been purchased by Ali Rajwani. WINMAR® Vancouver will continue to be located at 7930 – 130 Street in Surrey, British Columbia and all employees have been transitioned into similar roles. Mr. Rajwani is pleased to announce that Jay Randhawa, a […]

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ClaimsPro and WINMAR® (Canada) International, Ltd. Training Partnership

London, ON. June 17, 2024: WINMAR® (Canada) International, Ltd., is pleased to announce a training partnership initiative with ClaimsPro. ClaimsPro and WINMAR® (Canada) International, Ltd. are proud to announce a training partnership initiative for adjuster development. Nadine Dionne, Manager of Adjuster Training and Development at ClaimsPro, and Jill McMaster of WINMAR® Calgary have collaborated to […]

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