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WINMAR® (Canada) International, Ltd., Announces New Ownership of WINMAR® New Glasgow/Antigonish

New Glasgow, NS. September 19, 2023: WINMAR® (Canada) International, Ltd., is pleased to announce new ownership of WINMAR® New Glasgow/Antigonish. In July 2023 Andrew Avery acquired ownership. WINMAR® New Glasgow/Antigonish has been in business since 2008. Andrew is an excellent ambassador to continue the WINMAR® brand in the Antigonish area. With 15 years of experience […]

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WINMAR® (Canada) International, Ltd., Announces New Ownership WINMAR® Mississauga/Oakville

Mississauga, ON. July 25, 2022: WINMAR® (Canada) International, Ltd., is pleased to announce new ownership of WINMAR® Mississauga/Oakville. In September 2021 James “Jamie” Mowat and Randy Shea acquired ownership. WINMAR® Mississauga/Oakville opened in October 1992. Jamie and Randy are excellent ambassadors to continue the WINMAR® brand in Mississauga and the Oakville area. With 30 years […]

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Deep Cleaning – New Year, Fresh Spaces

The New Year is here – the perfect time to tidy and refresh! January is the ideal time to reset, declutter and organize for a fresh start in your home and in your life. Refreshing your space, by tidying, deep cleaning and editing the things you may no longer use or need, allows you to […]

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Cottage Life – Reconnect and Renovate?

Ahhh, summer… the ideal time of year to gather with friends and family in cottage country! Enjoying time away from the hustle and bustle of city life, the daily routine and for many, a time to reconnect with loved ones and extended family. For the last two years keeping one another safe has been a […]

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Have a Merry and Safe Holiday Season

Every year new memories are made during the holiday season. Gathering with family, cherishing time together and celebrating the upcoming year ahead. Prioritizing a safe holiday with a checklist of the common do’s and don’ts of the season: Fire Safety Do’s and Don’ts: Do use flame-resistant or LED décor. Keep decorations away from heat sources […]

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WINMAR® is proud to say that we have continued to provide opportunities for entrepreneurs and their communities throughout 2019. Our brand has continued to grow across Canada, as we have opened six new franchises in Powell River, Burlington, Fort McMurray, Kootenay, North Vancouver and Yellowknife. WINMAR® has continued to deliver on the promise that we […]

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PRESS RELEASE September 6 2019: WINMAR® (Canada) International Ltd. Announces the New Ownership of WINMAR® Kingston

September 6 2019: WINMAR® (Canada) International Ltd. is pleased to announce the new ownership of WINMAR® Kingston, welcoming Mark Mascotto and Pamela Wright. WINMAR® Kingston will continue to be located at 1144 Clyde Court Kingston Ontario K7P 2E4. Phone: (613) 542-0000 Mark an MBA graduate from the Richard Ivey School of Business has over 25 years […]

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